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The OEFC, through its former subsidiary, OEPSC, no longer administers the former Ontario Hydro Pension Plan. The assets and liabilities of the former Ontario Hydro Pension Plan were transferred from the OEFC Pension Plan to the pension plans of Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Hydro One (HO), Independent Electricity Market Operator (IMO) and the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) on June 29, 2001. This transfer was completed according to an agreement among the four successor corporations that was reached on March 29, 2001.
In accordance with the March 29th agreement among OPG, HO, IMO, and ESA and the OEFC, an application was made to the Superintendent of Financial Services for consent to the proposed asset transfer on March 29, 2001. On June 6, 2001 the Superintendent of Financial Services consented in writing to the transfer of assets from the OEFC Pension Plan to the pension plans of OPG, HO, IMO and ESA.
On June 29, 2001 all former staff members of the Ontario Electricity Pension Services Corporation (OEPSC) were transferred to either OPG or HO. The OEPSC was subsequently dissolved as a corporate entity.
The responsibility for managing pension entitlements of former members of the former Ontario Hydro Pension Plan has been transferred to the four successor employer pension plans. The successor employers are OPG, HO, IMO, and ESA. For information about your pension benefits, please contact your new Plan directly.